How very blessed we are!
Our family is an emotion. We are a vibe like no other. We get together knowing that we are about to have a good time! It's us reconnecting with family members that we haven't seen in ages and meeting new cousins that live across the country. It's the warm embraces and the "You know your momma's third cousin, whose house we used to go to when you were younger, before they who moved to Texas" re-introductions. It's our shared love, history, and promising futures. It's strengthening bonds and creating new memories. It's laughing out loud, feeling like you belong, and exhaling in a cautious world!
I bless God for this opportunity that so many do not experience. With the help of my wonderful committee, we are going to bring to you that excitement synonymous with the Joseph Family Reunions.
- Chaneita Smith
By the grace of God and the hard work of all those proud and mighty descendants of Jules Joseph, we are embarking on our 39th year of our family's celebration and remembrance. We need only look at the history of our grand celebrations and note with pride that we have spread the good news about the Joseph family all over the United States.
Time has been kind to our reunions and God has showered us with his favor. So please join us once again as we celebrate and honor our special family.
We hope this message has found you in the very best of health and spirits. This year's reunion is being held on July 17th-20th, 2025. We are so pleased that so many of you are able to join us for this very happy and glorious event.
- Raymond Cassimere